The new rules for
This isn't your daddy's
retirement. And it's not for the faint of heart.
Do-it-yourself 401(k)s,
IRAs and multiple-choice Medicare supplement plans have taken the place of the
company pension plan, retiree health benefits and a gold watch.
And working into
retirement -- in the form of a second (or third) career or part-time job -- is
becoming the norm.
"It's a changing
landscape," says Sara Rix, a senior strategic policy adviser with AARP.
But this evolution
hasn't happened overnight, she says. "Some of the changes we're seeing
began 20 to 25 years ago."
One major adjustment:
People are working longer. In 1985, there was fewer than 1 in 5 65- to
69-year-olds in the workforce, Rix says. Today, it's almost 1 in 3 -- a 74
percent increase.
Some would-be retirees
need the money, says Rix. Others enjoy their jobs and want to keep at it. And,
for some, it can be a combination of the two.
Whether you're 25 or 75,
you should know these seven things about retirement in the new millennium.
You’re on your own
It's like one of those
high school math brain-twisters: The amount you save times your compounded
earnings, minus any investment losses and factoring for inflation, equals what
standard of living at some (movable) future date?
Try solving for that
"People have to be
much more proactive," says Tony Webb, research economist with the Center
for Retirement Research at Boston College.
A study by the center
using the Federal Reserve's 2007 Survey of Consumer Finances showed that half
the people on the cusp of retirement (ages 55 to 64) had a retirement account
balance of less than $100,000. At a typical drawdown rate of about 4 percent
per year, that equals about $4,000 annually, or about $333 a month in
retirement income, Webb says.
One big problem with
everything financial is that you pick up skills as you move along -- and make
plenty of mistakes along the way, says Webb.
And, unlike a lot of
situations, the people retiring now can't look to past generations as a model because
the game has changed, he adds.
Start planning early
It doesn't take a rocket
scientist to calculate that saving for 50 years will yield more than saving for
20 years.
But what 20-year-old
wants to forgo critical funds for a day that's so far off into the future?
That's why a recent
Stanford University study has gotten so much attention, says Ruth Hayden,
financial consultant and author of "Start Where You Are: Retirement
Planning in a Changing World."
Researchers found out
that when they showed young workers digitally aged photos of themselves at
retirement age, workers were more willing to put money aside for their future
"It changes their
perception," Hayden says. And when it comes to planning for retirement,
"that intellectual and emotional ownership is critical."
One big rule for the new
retirement: Financial literacy needs to be a lifelong pursuit, says Rix.
Do it right, and money
planning will be downright boring, Hayden says. "Plain-vanilla"
strategies -- such as regular contributions, slow-and-steady growth and
diversification -- are often most effective over the long haul, she says. It's
also important to get advice from trusted, neutral advisers when you can afford
it, she says.
Two of the biggest
mistakes employees make is cashing out the 401(k) after a job change and
leaving an employer's matching dollars on the table, says Hayden.
Money can be accessible
It used to be that when
you put away money for retirement, you couldn't touch it until retirement --
except in some very limited circumstances.
That's not always true
With a Roth IRA, you can
withdraw any money you contribute at any time without taxes or penalties, says
Ed Slott, CPA and author of "The Retirement Savings Time Bomb ... and How
to Defuse It."
The idea that retirement
savings is locked up for a far-flung future date is a mental block for a lot of
potential savers, says Slott. "That is one of the things that turned me
off from (traditional) IRAs years ago," he says. "But now that's not
the case with a Roth."
The nice thing about a
Roth is those earnings won't be taxed during retirement. The trade-off with a
Roth is that you don't get a tax deduction now when you make a contribution.
But continuous access to
your money and the ability to grow it tax-free more than make up for forfeiting
a one-time tax deduction, says Slott.
"When you make a
$5,000 contribution to a Roth IRA, you have immediate access to that
money," says Slott. "So if you need it, it's there."
You can contribute to an
You contribute to a
401(k) through work. Or you're a stay-at-home spouse with no income.
In either case, you can
still probably use an IRA to save for your retirement, says Slott.
Workers already
contributing to a 401(k) can most likely still make contributions to an IRA if
they want, he says. "A lot of times they think if they're in a company
plan, they're not allowed," he says. "But that's not true."
Earn above a set income,
though, and you may not get the full tax deduction for your traditional IRA
contributions, says Slott. But that income ceiling won't affect most
wage-earners, he says. IRS Publication 590 provides details about IRAs.
With a Roth IRA, there
is no tax deduction, "but there are some high-income limits for who can
contribute," he says.
Not working outside the
home? As long as your spouse is earning enough to cover the contribution, you
can fund your own spousal IRA in your own name, he says.
With an IRA, you can
bank up to $5,000 annually per person, if you're 49 or younger. Fifty or older?
You can salt away up to $6,000 this year.
Consider heath care
Often, younger workers
assume that Medicare covers everything, but it doesn't.
After the age of 65, the
average couple will spend about $260,000 out of pocket on health care,
including insurance premiums and nursing home care, according to a 2010 study
by the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College.
"The problem is
most households don't have $260,000 in the first place," says Webb.
"What it means is that in practical terms, a lot of households face the
risk of impoverishment or ending up on Medicaid."
Prepare to work longer
Many of today's
"retirees" are staying in or rejoining the work force.
For some, it's a
financial necessity. For others, it's a chance to pursue interests or careers
they put off in their younger years. And for many, it can be a combination of
"And maybe the
nature of retirement is changing," says Webb. "It's less of a clean
Postponing Social
Security payments or retirement account withdrawals often means you'll get more
when you do tap those sources.
For those retiring over
the next few years, delaying collecting Social Security from 62 to 70 can mean
a 76 percent increase in benefits, says Webb.
Two factors may force
workers to retire earlier than expected: late-in-life job loss and health
problems, he says.
Seniors face a greater
risk of having to leave the working world because of health, and also of
"being prematurely ejected from the workforce," says Webb.
Think beyond the money
When you're planning and
saving for your golden years, don't hesitate to think beyond the money.
Throughout your working
life, "Keep your eye on the next job, and prepare so that (your) skills
are what employers are seeking," says Rix.
It also doesn't hurt to
be a little entrepreneurial, says Martin Yate, author of "Knock 'Em Dead:
Secrets and Strategies for Success in an Uncertain World."
If you find something
that gives you joy, stick with it, he says. Figure that in time, "I will
learn how to make a buck," Yate says. "And in my 50s and 60s, I will
either have a little business on the side or be prepared to launch one."
And if your needs and
interests change or get refined as the decades go by, that's OK, says Yate.
Whatever your
entrepreneurial dreams, you'll be using and sharpening many of the same
transferrable skills you use in your "day job," he says. "It
will help you be successful."
It's so helpful. Thanks for sharing!