Saturday, January 4, 2014

How to Get Bitcoins for Free

If you're looking to earn some free bitcoins, you came to the right place.

STEP ONE:  if you don't have one, open a bitcoin wallet with Coinbase

STEP TWO:  each of the sites below allow you to earn free bitcoins

Bit Visitor - Bit Visitor pays you bitcoin for visiting websites.  Bitvisitor shows you each website for 5 minutes (during which time you can check out the site), and pays you for each site you visit.  Between sites, you're required to enter a captcha.

Bitcoin 4 You - This is another site viewing service, through which you visit sites for 3 minutes at a time, and receive a small amount of bitcoin for each website view.

Earn Free Bitcoins - Like Bit Visitor, Earn Free Bitcoins pays you bitcoin for visiting websites.

BitcoinGet - The easiest way get free Bitcoins.  Earn Bitcoins for watching videos and completing simple tasks.

Got another site you think would make a good addition to this list? Please let us know.


  1. Thank you, I found this article to very interesting and informative. Like some others I have heard things about the dark net but had no real knowledge of it. Your article has pulled back the covers and given a nice introductory overview. This will allow me to be able make an educated decision to look into the underbelly or not.
    Joseph Donahue

  2. Some of these just link to nonsensical conversations in Reddit!? Some are fucked up. But that torproject browser is bad news, surely it's just encouraging paedos and sociopaths.

  3. Interesting stuff..heard about but always felt that my ciding chops were not sharp enough thnx for clarifying some I need any specific system specs?
    Kelly Hubbard

  4. The name ""darknet"" is apropos. It just goes to show that people are not always ""good."" There's a whole lot of weirdness out there. That being said, I am glad that some people still hold themselves to a higher standard--but I also tend to think that this standard is a learned behavior, and not necessarily a given. At any rate, humans are lead astray rather easily...Your article is very compelling and gives one plenty of food for thought. Up, useful, interesting.

    Harold Burton

  5. I like adventure. I will be very careful when I visit the dark side. You have made quite an impression on me and upon HubPages in a relatively short amount of time. Your stories makes my hubs look quite amateurish in comparison and I see glaring errors where I can improve.
    Jayme Silvestri


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