Life rarely goes as planned. That's why it's always good to have an emergency
fund in the bank.
Brad Smith, CEO of debt management
company Rescue One Financial, in Irvine, Calif., works with more than 100,000
clients trying to avoid bankruptcy.
Avoid letting unexpected expenses
or events lead you to financial ruin. Build your emergency fund by using these
Start building your emergency fund with a specific goal in mind. While your savings goal will depend on your income and expenses, a general rule of thumb is to save enough to cover four to seven months' worth of expenses.
Start building your emergency fund with a specific goal in mind. While your savings goal will depend on your income and expenses, a general rule of thumb is to save enough to cover four to seven months' worth of expenses.
"Everyone has wants, needs and
desires when it comes to spending money," says Pete D'Arruda, financial radio
show host, author and president of Capital Financial Advisory Group in Cary,
N.C. "Make sure you have seven months' worth of emergency income available for
the needs."
Kevin Gallegos, vice president of
Phoenix operations for Freedom Debt Relief, says to focus on having enough to
cover expenses when setting your savings goal, not on replacing your entire
"Remember, in an emergency, we
don't fund vacations, fancy new clothes, dining out or other luxuries," he says.
While you may aim higher
eventually, Smith recommends making small goals at first, such as saving $1,000
and working your way up to a reserve to cover several months' worth of expenses.
Your rainy day emergency fund should be easily accessible, but not so easily accessible that you'll be tempted to make withdrawals for everyday spending.
Your rainy day emergency fund should be easily accessible, but not so easily accessible that you'll be tempted to make withdrawals for everyday spending.
"I like using an account away from
my normal checking account to build a psychological wall between my spending
habits and my emergency fund," says Ray Lucia, a Certified Financial Planner and
nationally syndicated radio host. "Credit unions work well because they normally
allow you to start with smaller amounts of money."
Online banks also are good
locations for your emergency savings account because you can't just walk into
the bank and withdraw your cash.
Danielle Marquis, adjunct
professor of personal finance at Red Rocks Community College in Lakewood, Colo.,
recommends keeping emergency funds in a combination of locations and/or saving
accounts, including an online savings account, in savings bonds and as cash in a
lockbox at home.
If you can't stomach keeping a
significant amount of money in a standard savings account with a low interest
rate, consider a money market account that allows withdrawals only at certain
minimum levels, or purchase short-term certificates of deposit with three- or
six-month terms on a regular basis. You'll earn some interest and be required to
constantly reinvest.
Establish a monthly savings goal
and make it part of your regular budget. Marquis recommends setting up an
automatic monthly transfer, just as you would with the electric bill or fitness
club membership, to ensure the money is saved each month.
"The forced savings should feel
like a bill pay transaction that is done on the same day of every month," Smith
Paying yourself first through a
direct deposit from your paycheck into your emergency fund account will help you
build your fund steadily. But make sure you've created a balanced budget so you
know you have enough money to save, says financial coach Matt Wegner of Matt
Wegner Coaching in Sheboygan, Wis.
"Too many people direct deposit
money in their savings accounts, only to turn around and pull the money back out
to pay bills," he says. "A solid monthly spending plan can help avoid this
"An emergency fund is for the unexpected," says Carrie Coghill, a Barron's Top 100 financial adviser and the director of consumer education for "For example, appliances that stop working, getting laid off from a job, a long illness or an accident. You use an emergency fund for any expense you cannot foresee."
"An emergency fund is for the unexpected," says Carrie Coghill, a Barron's Top 100 financial adviser and the director of consumer education for "For example, appliances that stop working, getting laid off from a job, a long illness or an accident. You use an emergency fund for any expense you cannot foresee."
One of the most common problems
people have with emergency funds is forgetting to plan for one-time expenses
each year, Coghill says.
"People budget to save and put
away an emergency fund, then they forget to budget for an annual insurance
expense or car expenses, etc.," she says. "You can foresee your car insurance
expense next November, for example, so it is not an emergency."
One way to avoid using the fund
for nonemergencies is to make access to it somewhat difficult. "Do not get
access to it via debit card," Smith says. "And if you are issued a checkbook,
hide it."
"Rome wasn't built in a day, and
neither is an emergency fund," Gallegos says. "Any action you can take to
establish an emergency fund will do you good. If you transfer $10 to a savings
account each week, you'll have $500 in a year."
Don't be afraid to start with a
small amount of savings each month, but try to increase it whenever possible.
"When you pay off a credit card
with a $50 monthly payment, increase your savings by that $50," says Gallegos.
"With the same outflow you have today, you'll be paying yourself."
When you get a tax refund or
commission check, add it to your fund, he says. And gradually boost your savings
by selling items you don't need on eBay, holding a yard sale or putting change
into a jar every evening.
"Save rather than blow your excess
money," Gallegos says. "By stashing the extra, in addition to your regular
predetermined amount from your budget, you'll see your savings soar."
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